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Grow Your Audience & Your Bottom Line

Let's get started scaling your business today

Facebook & Instagram Ads that Convert

Have you wondered what kind of impact Facebook or Instagram ads could have on your business? Or, have you invested hundreds or thousands of dollars in ads only to see lackluster results?

Strategically running Facebook and Instagram ads requires a comprehensive funnel of ads in your ads manager and—when done right—will be the key to your business growth. For every $1 you invest, it’s more than possible to see that turn into $5, $10 or $25 back as profit in your pocket.

Our ads management service builds your campaigns with gorgeous creatives, on-brand copywriting, audience research and testing, custom targeting, pixel placement, and ad optimization (plus detailed reporting each week).

Sharp, strategic ads have the power to reshape your business and propel it toward success.

Apply for a free strategy call now.

Done-for-You Sales Funnels

Ever felt like a sales funnel is simple “in theory” yet when you sit down to plan it, you can’t quite figure out the crucial sequences and strategy you need? This is our sweet spot!

Crafting a sales funnel that converts isn’t easy. The cost of your offer matters, the sales strategy and the audience you're targeting all need to be crucial considerations in crafting the ideal funnel for your product.

We have years of experience crafting funnels and know the right questions to ask to cultivate a truly wonderful funnel that not only converts, but gains fans excited about your company.

Apply for a free strategy call now.

Copywriting & Design that Turns Heads

You know it's essential to connect with your audience. But, how many times have you brainstormed, drafted, and "given content a try" only to learn it just isn't performing?

We get it. You're not the only one. The reality? Building beautiful content with on-target messaging that resonates with an audience is a skill that's crafted over years of experience.

We have team members who have proven conversions from their copywriting, design, and content development. Whether you're just starting out or needing a refresh, we'll build a strategy to help your audience connect with you and your brand.

Apply for our Copywriting & Design Services now.

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DISCLAIMER: All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not opt-in to my workbooks or book a strategy call.

Copyright © 2023 - Leid Marketing, LLC